With the new Sigma Lite Readers or any device that has recently been repaired their firmware is sitting on 4.5.1
Now because the firmware is on 4.5.1 you will need to do the following:
1. Download and install the latest MBTB tool 4.2.3
2. Download the MorphoAccess_SIGMA_Lite_Firmware_Release_4_5_1.zip
- Unzip the file
- Upload Firmware-upgrade-malite_MA2G.4.5.1-prod.bin firmware to the reader using the Latest MBTB tool
With the new firmware the protocol automatically changes to MA Legacy, there is no option anymore to change protocols
3. Assign the Ip address to the reader using MBTB tool
4. Once uploaded the firmware to reader and assisigned ip address you need to ensure that he IXP220 version is 1.9
If not please download that version from
And install it
5. Before uninstalling the old version go to : C:\IXP220\Database
Copy the database file that says DB.FDB
6. Once copied that file and saved it you can uninstall and install the new version
7. Once installed new Version go C:\IXP220\Database and paste the DB.FDB file that you saved
8. Once you have done that open the IXP220 go to:
Biometric Server
Search for the Ip of the readers
Select the reader whens they pop and assign them to the doors you want them on
Click on the tick
Click Start
Click Unlock when unlock button pops
Select reader you want to unlock and load the unlock file
Click Ok once it says successful