Article number:  000001004            Article type:  How To            Article audience:  Professional        Category type:  Configuration            Product:  XProtect Corporate, XProtect Enterprise, XProtect Professional, XProtect Express, XProtect Go, XProtect Professional 6.5 and older, XProtect Essential            Type:  Software question        Version:  2            First published:  02/27/2015            Last modified:  10/19/2015                                

Configure anti-virus software on XProtect systems



        As is the case with any other database software, if an antivirus program is installed on a computer running XProtect® software, it is important that you exclude specific file types and locations, as well as certain network traffic. Without implementing these exceptions, virus scanning will use a considerable amount of system resources. On top of that, the scanning process can temporarily lock files which will likely result in a disruption in the recording process or even database corruption.    


        When you need to perform virus scanning, do not scan Recording Server directories containing recording databases (by default c:\mediadatabase\, as well as all folders under that location). Also, avoid virus scanning on archive storage directories. In older versions of the software, the databases are by default located in the installation folder, each being a subfolder with the MAC address of the device recorded.

Create the following additional exclusions:
File types: .blk, .idx, .pic, .pqz, .sts, .ts
C:\Program Files\Milestone or C:\Program Files (x86)\Milestone and all subdirectories.
Exclude network scanning on TCP ports
XProtect® Corporate: 80, 8080, 7563, 25, 21, 9993
XProtect® Enterprise: 80, 25, 21, 1234, 1237, 22331
XProtect® Professional: 80, 25, 21, 1234, 1237, 22331
XProtect® Express: 80, 25, 21, 1234, 1237, 22331
XProtect® Essential: 80, 25, 21, 1234, 1237, 22331
XProtect® Basis+: 80, 25, 21, 1234, 1237, 22331
XProtect® Mobile: 8081
XProtect® Transact: 9001

Or exclude network scanning of the following processes
XProtect Corporate: VideoOS.Recording.Service.exe, VideoOS.Server.Service.exe, VideoOS.Administration.exe
XProtect Enterprise, XProtect Professional, XProtect Express, XProtect Essential and XProtect Basis+: RecordingServer.exe, ImageServer.exe, ManagementApplication.exe, ImageImportService.exe, RecordingServerManager.exe, VideoOS.ServiceControl.Service.exe, VideoOS.Event.Server.exe
XProtect Mobile: VideoOS.MobileServer.Service.exe
XProtect Transact: VideoOS.Transact.TransactService.exe
Organizations may have strict guidelines regarding virus scanning, however it is important that the above locations and files are excluded from virus scanning.